Sunday, March 1, 2009

Older Planning Outling

Trenchless technology in Kamloops

Research if trenchless technology is an efficient and sustainable method of underground construction for Kamloops.

1. Find out what makes an underground construction method sustainable,
2. find out what makes an underground construction method efficient,
3. interview experts in the industry,
4. assessing the gathered information and determining if trenchless technology is efficient and sustainable for Kamloops, and
5. create drawings of the different trenchless technology methods for the report.

Possible special problems:
1. what the different methods of trenchless technology are,

what machinery would be required,
3. what the pros/cons of trenchless technology in Kamloops are, and
4. if trenchless technology is feasible in Kamloops.

With these questions answered I can begin to write the anylitical report required for the graduation of the Engineering Design and Drafting Technology program. Sadly I feel I will have to choose a definite aspect of trenchless technology to write my report on because this might be to broad... but not yet!


  1. Hey Irene.

    When your page is visited, it comes up blank. I think your archiving must be set to Daily instead of Monthly.
    To change this, go to the "Dashboard" link, "Archiving" sub-tab, then use the "Archive Frequency" drop-down menu. Change it to monthly, or never.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Here is an article I found on the NRC-CNRC that compares the costs of different projects dealing mostly with the rehabilitation of existing pipes.
    "Construction and Rehabilitation Costs for Buried Pipe with a Focus on Trenchless Technologies"
    I just skimmed through it, but from what I saw it looked very informative, I hope you find it useful.

  4. Hi Brandon,
    Thank you for your advice, and I changed the archiving frequency to "never", but it was originally on monthly, so I hope it is working now.
    Does my page still come up blank when you visit it?

  5. Hi Ivroy,

    This information is really useful, and although the pricing is from 2002, this will give me a really good foundation of knowledge when interviewing the local experts in the industry about current day pricing of piping rehabilitation.

    Thank you.

  6. I saw a gas line put in using trenchless technology this summer! They had one small (10' diameter maybe?) hole in the ground, and a large machine pushing a 4" gas pipe into the ground. They did it under a grassy area, and it looked about a 100m distance.
    I didn't stick around long enough to see how the huge awkward machine worked, but it apparently worked well! I look forward to some pictures =)

    is similar to the gas-pipe machine I saw. It's neat stuff =)

  8. Hey Brandon,
    One of my co-workers went to Tobiano this winter, when they were using trenchless technology, and he said that those ‘huge awkward machines’ can make a pipe go at 90° angles. They used a different machine then the machine you saw, but I was impressed.

  9. Hey Irene,

    I found this little newspaper article pdf about trenchless technology, possible approaches, techniques and just how it people were resistant to using this technology when it was a new idea. It's an interesting little read, here's the link to check it out:

  10. Hey Irene,

    While I was doing some research I came across a couple of articles that may be helpful to you:
    1)A peer reviewed article called Trenchless technology: a modern solution for clean-flowing cities By:Downey, Dec journal:Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers. Civil Engineering v. 159 part Special Issue 1 (May 2006) p. 26-30
    It is all about how it has been applied in India and Asia and how it is growing through out the world.
    2)And second an article called: An economical solution By:Harris, David journal: Public Works v. 139 no. 9 (August 2008) p. 45-6, 48, 52
    This one is about the different ways to replace old pipes using different trenchless technologies.
    Hope they help :)
